Friday, March 1, 2013

Once a month...

When did I become that person? You know, the one you can never count on to update. The one you check over and over, only to discover there is still nothing new? Even as we seem to be about caught up on our store makeover, we keep discovering more and more ways to keep busy. I'm excited by the progress we have made, but I do miss being me sometimes.

The other day I wrote myself a self help/motivational speech. I feel like I still have to convince myself that I'm a business owner, and then make myself believe it and act like it at the same time. I just have to learn the art of salesmanship, because if people don't buy things that's the end of it. We're definitely receiving a lot of positive feedback on the new look and merchandise, so we're very hopeful that this year will be much better than the last, but it's always a gamble, and I've never been much of a gambler. I've always liked the sure thing, the one I could control. Thus, I was a good student, but that doesn't translate we'll into risk taking...

I think we've finally removed enough dirt and grime to have earned a Sunday not at the shop, but there is a gift show, so I guess there will still be work to do.

On a random note, I'm going to a Philomath High School Survivors party tomorrow night. I was in Pasadena training for my first year in Czech the summer of my (gulp) 10 year reunion, so I figured I should check out this little get together. Should be entertaining.

Well, I'm sure there is something business related I should probably be doing now, rather than reconnecting with the old me, so off I go again. Still hoping I'll attain self normalcy at some point, but not really counting on it as the journal I started last year is still not complete...

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