It was a really fun day. In the evening we came back and hung out at our flat and watched a movie and had pizza. A very Sarah sort of day. I was also blessed with several phone calls form home which was especially nice. I got a great gift from Janet that I got to put together myself. It's a good thing I'm quick because it's COLD here!
One of my classes found out about my birthday and decided we should celebrate by going out for class. They also brought me some beautiful flowers. We had a great evening just hanging out and visiting, and the flowers are still looking beautiful in my flat a week later!
This past weekend we had a great trip to Prague. It was nice to be able to see other people from our team and to celebrate Thanksgiving with them. The turkey was quite amazing, and playing kick the can in a dark unfamiliar park was definitely exciting. We had a chance to do a bit of sight seeing (and some shopping!) but also had a bit of bad weather so I didn't end up with as many great pictures as I was hoping for. Still, it's pretty amazing to be able to say I just hung out in Prague for the weekend, so here are a few little glimpses into this incredible city for you all to enjoy:
My flat is now decorated for Christmas (I have a rather shocking number of window clings thanks to my wonderful sister Janet) and the weather is providing the appropriate snowy backdrop for the season. Walking to school was a bit slushy and treacherous, but I managed to make it so there is hope that I'll survive it all yet. I'm looking forward to the Christmas season and the opportunities it gives to talk about the meaning of the season in my classes. At the same time, it is also always a bit difficult to be far from family at this time of year. I was talking to Naomi last night and realized that in the past 6 years since I graduated from college I've only been home for Christmas twice. You'd think I'd be used to it by this point, but it's still hard to know all that I'm missing, so if you think of me I'd greatly appreciate knowing about it :)
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