I'm feeling overwhelmed, out of my element, and generally confused about pretty much everything. Christmas is only a few short days away. We're heading down to Medford on Wednesday so hopefully the weather will be good. All Janet's boys are home now so it will be great to see them all.
It's also now less than two months until my wedding. It's still so unreal. Having trouble processsing where I am and wht I really need to do. At least I have this super cool new phone that allows me to blog where ever I happen to sit at the moment.
My head is awhirl with it all... I want to drink in these moments, but instead find myself waking up in the night with noclue how to make everything come out right.
But it is almost Christmas. Nearly the day we celebrate the. Birth of our Savior, the one who is truly in control. So in the midst of my inner mayhem and stress this is what I must cling to, and in this alone can I truly rejoice. May God bless you all in the days to come as the new year awaits us just around the corner. And in the holiday spirit of cliches that still ring true, may you remember that Jesus is the reason for the season!