Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Monsters of Selkirk book 2 Blog Tour

It's the crazy season. Let there be no denial. So I definitely have not had a chance to finish reading this book, but I am in the midst, and I'm curious to see where Tallis and her little crew are going to wind up next. I read book one earlier this year, and, if you read down through the fun author interview you'll learn that there is still quite a ways to go to find out the ultimate conclusion of Tallis and her monsters...

Dec. 18th:
Jen (http://www.happylilbooknook.com)
Dec. 19th:
Sarah (http://www.transientdrifter.blogspot.com)
Dec. 20th:
Paige G.
Dec. 21st:
Jess (https://xlittlebookwormx.wordpress.com)
Dec. 22nd:
Kat (http://www.instagram.com/katsbookstagram)
Dec. 23rd:
Kira (http://thelonelybookclub.blogspot.com)
Blog Tour Organized by: Happy Lil Book Tours
*Hosts were provided with a copy of the book for review purposes in exchange for their honest reviews and opinions.*

The Monster of Selkirk Book 2: The Heart of the Forest
By: C.E. Clayton
Synopsis from Amazon.com: Tallis is learning how to deal with loss and violence as she and her friends traverse the forests of Selkirk trying to find the reason behind the elven uprising. Not to mention why they keep hissing her name. But the further into the forests they go, Tallis is finding that the elves' depravity can still surprise her and thoroughly test the bonds of friendship, family, and love. Tallis's journey eventually leads to answers they're not prepared for. Now Tallis begins to wonder just who she really is, and if she's the evil that will end up destroying Selkirk. But she cannot stop processing these revelations, as an unforeseen betrayal lands those she loves at the feet of the very monster responsible for all the hurt and heartbreak.
Coming face to face with her foe, Tallis discovers all too late she has no idea how to deal with this level of pain and death. One way or another, the monster's path ends here, and all Tallis can hope to do is bring those she loves safely out of the heart of the forest.

Amazon Link:
Goodreads Link:


C.E. Clayton was born and raised in Southern California where she worked in the advertising industry for several years on accounts that ranged from fast food, to cars, and video games (her personal favorite). This was before she packed up her life, husband, two displeased cats, and one very confused dog and moved to New Orleans. Now, she is a full-time writer (mainly in the fantasy genre), her cats are no longer as displeased, and her dog no longer confused. More about C.E. Clayton, including her blog, book reviews, and poetry, can be found on her website: http://www.ceclayton.com

MEET AUTHOR C.E. CLAYTON DEC 23, 2017 @ Pasadena,
Click here for more details:
Rafflecopter giveaway

Now for the fun author interview :)

1.) When you started writing The Monsters of Selkirk did you expect it to be a series?
I did! I just didn't know how long of a series it would be. I knew what the ultimate ending would need to be, and the final conflict. I just was not sure how many books it'd take me to get there (the answer is 6)

2.) In what ways did your writing strategies change with writing this sequel?

I hate writing recap chapters, probably because I hate reading them (and watching them). But, I can't control when someone will read my books so I had to find ways to remind readers of what happened in the previous book without writing something I wasn't a fan of, or something as cliche as "Previously, in the Monster of Selkirk..." which meant that I had to determine which details were the most important from the previous book to bring forward into the sequels. Then, I had to do that for book 3, and 4 and so on, so it becomes a ladder of which points in each book are vital to tease in the subsequent books. Which means I make good old fashioned lists and bullet points so I can better keep track of those parts moving forward. I know a lot of people like those recap chapters, but I hope that my world and characters are distinct enough to where, once you dive back in, it feels like you never left and everything comes back to the reader without having to actually go back to previous books.

3.) Did you find writing book two to be more or less difficult than book one?

In terms of flow, it was easier to write. The backstory was in place and now all the craziness could begin, and writing those parts was a lot of fun and tended to just flow right out of me. But there are more difficult situations in the second book, things that are emotionally more difficult to write and convey in the right ways. So it was easier in that I got into a great rhythm while writing, but difficult at times because of WHAT I was writing.

4.) Which of your characters do you find to be the most likely to do something unpredictable when you’re writing?

Rosslyn, hands down. She's such a free spirit and I love it, but she tends to ruin my little outlines when I'm writing her as the character will steer me in directions I hadn't considered, but love once it gets going. Sometimes Tallis is that way too, but not as much as Rosslyn.

5.) If you could spend the day with one of your characters who would you choose and what would you do?

For as fun as Rosslyn is, I'd want to hang out with Tallis so she could teach me how to fight the way she does. I wrote her to be awesome, and she is, arguably more-so than I am, with her incredible skill with her trident shaped daggers. I'd love to be able to defend myself like that, and make it look like a dance all at the same time.

6.) Do you have plans for another sequel?

Yup! Book 3 is with the editor now and I have already written books 4-6, though those are all still in the revision / beta reading process. So, basically, the entire series has been written, but now the hard part of editing and revisions have begun!

If there is anything else you would like to share please feel free

I tend to write my books in chunks. Book 1 and 2 are best read together, book 3 will be good all on it's own, book 4 and 5 follow the same path as books 1 and 2 and the last book, well it's the end so everything gets settled there. it may sound confusing, but a lot of that is based on the places Tallis ends up, and how much time she spends there. So there's a little hint about the places Tallis and her friends end up, and how long they stay there!

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