Sunday, June 25, 2017

Immer Author Interview

So I quickly posted all the information about this book and the blog tour yesterday, but I didn't have the interview with the author yet. I really enjoyed her answers to my questions, and I think you all will, too :)

1.) Would you consider yourself a plotter, a pantser, or something in between?

My stories come to me almost like videos and conversations in my mind that won’t leave me alone until I put them on paper. So, when I sit down to type, I usually have a basic concept, often a very loose basic concept, of where I’m starting and where I’ll land in the end. But, I typically have no idea the path that I’ll take to get there, or what might pop up along the journey. It’s this wonderful and beautiful, and sometimes shocking, thing. It’s like I’m riding the story and it can completely surprise me!

2.) Do you feel like you have control over your characters, following strict outlines, or do they tend to evolve over time?

I don’t feel like I have a tight rein on my characters. They definitely have minds of their own and I watch them grow and change, sometimes just as the reader will. I let them flow, as I do the story. Who they are at the core doesn’t usually alter drastically, but it’s incredible for me to watch their development.

3.) Can you give us some behind the scenes info about any of your characters that isn't mentioned in the story? For example: favorite music, color, food, celebrity crush, etc?

This question made me smile.
Will is hard core rock and roll, all the way. He loves black, as is apparent by his wardrobe, and he prefers comfort food from home. He couldn’t name a celebrity, let alone have a crush on one.
Rayne loves the color grey, because it makes her think of Will’s eyes. She loves anything Will cooks for her, and, like me, she adores indie pop. She loves Mark Wahlberg, because he’s tough and sexy, but a super sweet guy to his wife and kids.

4.) Speaking of celebrities, who would you cast for your major characters in a film version of your story?
I’ve never thought about this and am struggling to answer. I find it hard to picture my characters any other way than the way I created them. Maybe Lucy Hale could play Rayne and Zac Efron could be Will.

5.) If you were stranded on a deserted island, which of your characters would you like to have by your side and why?
Will, all day long. Yes, Will. Could it be Will??? I must admit, I truly adore him as a character. He developed in my mind before any of the other characters and even with his flaws, he’s pure perfection to me.

6.) Is there anything else you would like to share?
I love being a writer. Becoming a self-published author has been like this fantasy ride that I don’t want to ever end. I am truly grateful for anyone and everyone who has taken the time to read my work. I still get all giggly, like a 5-year-old, when someone mentions that she’s reading my book. So, for everyone out there who is giving me any of your time, I’d like to say thank you, truly, thank you.

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