Saturday, October 29, 2016

Pria Chronicles Blog Tour

I did get a chance to read this one, and quite enjoyed the story. It is told from three different perspectives, and each one is retelling the events that have brought them together. As with a lot of self published books, these could use some editing, but I really enjoyed the story for itself. The author has created a highly imaginative otherworldly connection between the characters, and I am definitely curious to see where the rest of the series is heading. It was one of those books where I found myself really wanting to know what would happen next, and I was somewhat frustrated to have it end right as things were starting to get exciting. Read on for information from the author, a giveaway code, and be sure to stick around for the author interview at the end :)

Title: Echoes (The Pria Chronicles Book One)
Author: Shannon Rieger
Summary from
Michael Hilton was six years old when he fell into an unexplained coma. His mysterious powers emerged when he inexplicably awoke, forever changed. Unearthly creatures that once were hidden from view were no longer invisible to him. Like the creatures living incognito amongst the human race, so will Michael attempt to conceal from others his strange powers and abilities. But his ability to see creatures prowling in his world is just the tip of the iceberg.
Chapter One
Michael Hilton on the topic of His Flair
Like the creatures living incognito amongst the human race, so will I remain anonymous as I write my experiences. I stopped drawing the monsters I see in my notebooks; it was freaking out my teachers and my parents. They seemed to forget them pretty quickly once I stopped, but it didn’t mean that the monsters were gone. I have to get this burden off my chest since seeing creatures is just the tip of the iceberg.
Some people can climb mountains using only their knowledge of the area, spiked, steel-toed, hiking boots and mere nylon ropes to keep them tethered to the rock. Yeah, those nylon ropes are said to be strong, difficult to cut on sharp rocks, but you wouldn’t catch me up there trusting my whole life to them. Others can diagnose the most disgusting ailments without throwing up. I just google some of the ailments and my stomach churns... Imagine touching and prodding and poking around... I’d throw up for sure.
I have heard of people in Niagara Falls walking on tightropes or going over The Falls in a barrel. Crazy? Yeah. But they have courage that far surpasses mine any day. I am envious of those who can act on stage, memorizing all the lines, enveloping the role as if it were second nature. Man, I see spots when I have to present something in front of my classmates. I just don’t have that sort of stage fearlessness.
Have you heard of those who can count the number of matchsticks simply by glancing at a pile of them scattered on the floor? Truly remarkable, yes. But what in the world would that power serve?
I have some abilities that are, in my opinion, way cooler, maybe even unparalleled. I, unfortunately, can’t flaunt them to impress girls; in fact, only a few…er…beings in my world even know I have them. One of those is a cat. Go figure. And believe me... Henry isn’t impressed.

*To keep reading be sure and pick up a copy of "Echoes." You won't want to miss what
happens next.*

Shannon Rieger is a fiction writer for the Young Adult genre and has completed a series of novels called The Pria Chronicles. She has a significant background in teaching at the secondary school level and uses these experiences to present a seamless, genuine world of conflict for teenagers as a backdrop to the story, while adding the infiltration of creatures from another dimension. Teaching at this level has given her the unique opportunity to create believable characters who think and
respond to conflicts like a teen, as well as, an opportunity to include what appeals to them: powers, magic and a hint of dark conflict.
Shannon was born and raised in a small town in Ontario, Canada. Her parents ran programs for at-risk teenagers, and often had a few living in their home over periods of time. She learned patience and empathy, while finding a way to escape the madness by writing fiction, even at a young age. She has written all her life, creating worlds and creatures, placing them carefully into stories using her active imagination as the key to survival. Shannon’s dream is to share her series of novels with the world. What a fun place that would be!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

October 24th:
Jen ( October 25th:
Brooke: (
October 26th:
Priyanka: (
October 28th:
Hannah: (
October 29th:
Jordan: (
October 30th:
Sarah: (
Suhani: (
October 31st:
Wilmarys: (
November 1st:
Coal: (
November 2nd:
Elizabeth (
Blog Tour Organized by: Happy Lil Book Tours
*Hosts were provided with a copy of the book for review purposes in exchange for their honest
reviews and opinions.*

And now for my favorite part of these blog tours, some inside information from the author:

1. I'm always curious about how writers set about to write their stories. Would you consider yourself a planner or a pantser (literally flying by the seat of your pants)?

I am definitely a planner. I plan in journals for months before I start, and I always know what the two climaxes, my twists, the ending, and the cliffhangers between chapters are before I begin writing. I work very hard on character development and growth during this time, as well. I don’t write linearly. I usually write the middle of my novel, followed by the ending before I even attempt the beginning of the novel. Chapter One is always done last. If I wrote pantser-style, I couldn’t write this way which works best for me.

2. When you started writing Echoes, did you already have a series planned, or did you decide that along the way?

I began Echoes over a decade ago and put it away for quite a few years. When I learned that I needed lung surgery, I had a lot of time off to heal. I picked up the book and began writing it again. I changed the storyline into what became Echoes and I had no idea that I was going to write two books, let alone seven. It just kept growing based on the dreams that I was having. When I wrote the end of book five, I woke crying and thought, “I’d better put that as my ending and begin book six!”

What's ironic is that the original idea I had for Echoes over a decade ago is now the novel I am currently writing called Paranormal Painless. When readers read this book, they will find it quite interesting to learn that Echoes was supposed to be about a serial killer and an ominous cat that had a connection to the supernatural. Boy, how did it change!

I never planned on writing a series. I always get to the end, and realize that there is a unique idea that can lead to another.

3. I think everyone loves having insider information about the characters they meet in fictional worlds. Can you tell us any little tidbits that don't appear in your story about your characters? For instance would Michael prefer having a dog rather than a cat? Does he have a favorite food or preferred style of music? You mention him reading, but what book is he enjoying the most? Any little details about him or other characters would be amazing.

What lies between the lines? Michael would never own a dog. Henry wouldn’t allow it. Michael enjoys reading but only as an escape from his reality. He is interested in novels like The Lord of the Rings but finds little time due to Henry’s pestering.

Avery is a rescuer and cannot stand seeing an animal suffer. She loves working with children. She is an only child which has made her quite selfish, but not intentionally. She loves to read, but enjoys writing poetry more. She has a very strong bond to her Grandmother, stronger than she even knows.

Greyson is the most charming and lovely person, but he has secrets living deep within him that will cause some turmoil later to come. He will destroy those around him at no fault of his own. He feels helpless and hopeless when he hurts those around him, and he wants desperately to live a normal life. He is a genius. Barely needs to study. He has a photographic memory and can remember everything he reads.

4.) If you could spend a day with any of your characters who would you chose and what would you do?

I’d spend the day with Henry and Michael. I’d want to take the opportunity to meet Kritch and the Girl with the Rainbow Coloured Hair. I’d want to travel with Michael and have him tell me every Echo he sees, and describe every creature he meets. I’d want to help him cope and feel normal even for a little while. I’d want to sit Avery, Greyson and Michael down and explain early on what the connect they have is in order to give them the opportunity to figure out the secrets before book three. I would also love to spend time in the Girl with the Rainbow Coloured Hair’s world. It is beautiful. (book five)

5.) What made you decide to have a boy as your main character? Did you find it difficult to connect with him as a female writer?

I teach special needs students and within that level, there are more boys than girls. I feel like I understand teenage boys better than girls, and I didn’t want the drama that would come along. I wanted Michael and Greyson to eventually become brothers, and I feel after the events that take place in the first three books, girls couldn’t overlook their differences to be friends. I connected with Michael immediately but not Avery. Avery took me a lot longer to create. I feel I grew as a writer and when I wrote book five, the girl with the rainbow coloured hair was a better written female protagonist. I have learned a lot about how to write girls/woman. Avery was difficult because I didn’t want the reader to like her. I wanted her to be true to the teenaged female, but I found people didn’t like her. I had to change her many times, and smooth her personality out. Female teens are dramatic, selfish, boy crazy. I teach them every day. That’s who they are. They grow. Learn. I wanted that for Avery. By book seven she is a strong and wonderful person. But she needed to have the time to grow. I feel I have done what I intended to do.

6) What else would I want to tell the reader?

One thing readers have said after completing the series is that it isn’t just about teenagers and high school. The world opens up, creatures infiltrate Michael’s world so terribly that by the time book six is written, they are captured in a dark world called Necrotic Rot. They are fighting off creatures that are trying to kill them just to get to Avery because of the secrets she holds. Everything is at stake. He must fight to keep what is his, even his own daughter. The powers he possesses are weak and will not help him succeed. The friends/creatures he meets along his journey will be the ones to protect him. I created over twenty species of creatures and every creature that you meet in the first three books will have an essential part to play in the series. Every single one. The world opens up...the reader just has to be patient enough to find it.

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