Monday, October 14, 2013

End Page

Well, I finally did it. I finally got to the point where I could say my book is ready. Could I still change things? Probably. Maybe there are even still things I should change. But I've pared down pages, removed superfluous words and weary phrasing. I have made the whole thing as real as I can, for now.
So what now? Well, there is still a little over a month until my birthday, so the next step is choosing the best avenue for publishing, making sure I have an eye catching cover design, getting the text properly formatted, and putting it out there for all the world to see.
I know that circulation depends on visibility. Many authors get outsiders to write reviews, and spend countless hours on self promotion, but I don't have a whole lot of time for that. Right now I just want it to be officially available, and let the chips fall where they may.
And then? Well, on to the sequel. I'm actually into the next story already. Time to see where it takes me :)


  1. Hi, I'd love to learn with you as you go about the publishing process. That and I just I wanted to meet you anyway. May I buy you tea or whatever?


  2. That would be lovely, as I have been wanting to meet you as well. My life is a little insane, as holiday time is the busiest in the "please buy something from me so I can continue to eat" industry, but we should figure something out. I'll email you :)

  3. let me know as soon as it comes out and i'll post it on my social media outlets, and of course, buy a copy! hope it is all coming together. and, Happy Birthday!
