Friday, December 2, 2011

And Now I'm Here...

Things change. That's just part of this life that we live. Things change, and yet there are so many things that stay the same. Perhaps being in Europe provides a greater sense of that. After all, here you can see buildings that have been around for much longer than my home country. They whisper the memories of those long gone, yet even in their seeming permanence, they too have changed, become decrepit whispers of former granduer.
It is good to be back in Czech. There is something here that feels like home. I have such a strange sense of home really. Little pockets around the world fill me with a sense of belonging, a memory of long days passed in familiarity. All around the world these home thoughts call to me. Horse Creek, Blodgett, Redding, Hong Kong, Salem, even Eagle River and Moscow, not to mention Cheb and Marianske Lazne. It makes me wonder if there will ever be a place that can pull them all together and feel like my home in the moment. It all gets so complicated.
Anyhow, we made it safely here on Wednesday evening. The eight hour flight from Seattle to London literally flew by. There wasn't nearly enough time to watch all the movies I wanted to see and sleep as well. After a three hour layover at Heathrow airport, we zipped on over to Prague. One moment US the next CZ. Crazy now fast it all happens. It didn't really feel real until we were there.
The rest of the night was a bit blurry. The car ride home, the Czech meal at a restaurant in Plzen (the place I first ate with Mark and his parents together) then more driving. I slept a lot of the time to be honest. We arrived safely and unpacked, then later we headed out to see one of Mark's friends. By the time we got to bed it was ultra late and any hope I might have had of being on a sleeping schedule was out the window. It was all made even worse the next morning. I know better, I really do. It's not like this is my first time or anything. But after waking up around 6:30, I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore by 11:30 and I slept about 3 hours. Um, stupid much? (sigh)
Anyhow we spent a quiet day on Thursday just trying to recouperate. We didn't really even go out much at all, just a brief trip down to the nearest store. I decided to keep myself up as long as possible in order to get into a schedule. So I went to bed around 12:30 or so, thinking I'd try to even things out. I wanted to sleep til my eyes popped open so I could start fresth. The only problem was, my eyes popped wide open at 11:30 AM. I slept like 11 hours! I honestly have no idea if I've ever slept that long in my life except when really sick.
Well, I had other things I was going to say, but this got interrupted and I lost the thread so I think I'll leave this as it is and try to post more regularly to keep up the flow. Posdravuju na Ceske Republiky ;)

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