Friday, December 5, 2008

A bit remiss...

Despite the fact that the internet now seems to be working quite nicely, I've still managed not to post much this past week. No real good excuse. Just didn't happen.
It was kind of a long week. Strange how a week can be long, and yet still seem to have vanished in no time. I think the main reason it felt long was that I didn't have much time to just sit. Or at least not without a purpose. Whether journaling, or researching British History for the 3 hour crash course on the subject Jonathan and I threw together for today, there were few moments when I could just breathe and feel done.
But now, joy of all joys, the weekend has come. It's Friday afternoon (well it looks like evening as the sun has really set even though it's only 4:30) and I feel the beauty of having the pressure off. At least to some extent.
It's hard to believe how quickly Christmas is rushing at me. It's pretty much exploded all over my flat. I started putting up what few decorations I have right after our Thanksgiving retreat, and last Friday when I had the day off I covered nearly every spare inch of window space with window clings. The shower didn't escape the decorating frenzy either. Now in the dimness of sleep filled eyes I can blurrily watch snowflakes falling around a Christmas tree through the steam. It's really great. I've found that the best way to get through the holidays far from the ones I love is to create the look of the season and then keep excessively busy. If I don't have time to even think then I can't get too homesick.
There are only two weeks of classes left and then I'll hopefully be off on a traveling frenzy in order to keep thoughts of my family at home at bay.
Today is St Mikolas day once again, but I haven't yet seen any angels or demons wandering around the streets. I'm heading out in another hour or so with my friend Roshani to take in what little Cheb has in the way of night life, so maybe I'll see some then. For now, that's pretty much it.

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