Thursday, December 11, 2008

Beginning to look a lot like Christmas

I have to say it really is shocking to me how Christmas suddenly snuck up on me. For some reason it seems to have arrived really quickly. I thought I was doing okay for time, and then realized that it was already too late for me to send packages that would arrive to the states before the actual holiday. Now we're down to one week to the Christmas party, and then the holiday will be upon me.
The snow showed up out of nowhere too. Yesterday on my way in to work there were a few random flakes falling and by the time I got to work they were absolutely huge. It snowed on and off yesterday, leaving us with a fluffy glaze all over everything. I didn't get pictures of it, but the manger scene is looking very festive with it's covering of snow. Here's a shot of it pre-snow last week.

I'm really quite impressed that they have real sheep, but must confess I feel really bad for them as they're just sleeping in that little house all night long. It can't be more than 4' square if even that. They don't seem overly perturbed, but I don't think I'd be too thrilled by those dimensions.
The little market in Cheb continues to run in front of the sheep pen. There are about a dozen little huts set up, and they rotate their goods on a daily basis. I keep walking through to check things out, but have managed not to spend much money there. It's just nice to have around. Makes everything feel a bit more festive.
So this entry isn't really going to be about a whole lot. It's the end of another week, and I just felt like I should post something as Christmas is so rapidly approaching. Laura has been sick all week. I feel really bad for her. Fortunately she works at a well staffed school, and was therefore able to stay home and get the rest she needs to get healthy.
I'm going to close this tonight with some pictures I took on my walk back from work this evening. Cheb really can be pretty spectacular every now and again. Good to remember that.

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