Monday, September 17, 2007

Life After Prague...

Well, it was wonderful to get away for the weekend and be in a big city again. There is something about being in an international city that just makes me feel so much more alive. I love it. I don't know how to explain the rush that goes through me when I find myself in the mix of life that is only found in such places. And in the midst of all that living breathing mass of humanity rise epic works of another era. The Charles Bridge, bedecked in ancient statues, spans the lazy river and provides a breathtaking view of the castle. It was rather rapturous to be there, even though I was excessively preoccupied.
The primary reason for my preoccupation: Andrew and Jack. No, not potential future interests, but the young sons of teachers in Ostrava, CZ. At 5 and 3 (or 65 as Jack claimed to be when I asked him) they totally captured my attention immediately. Even before I was aware that they were part of our group, I saw Jack and was overwhelmed by the feeling that he must speak English, and that it would be positively delightful to make his acquaintance. I was ever so right! After moving into the building where we would spend a number of hours in a meeting, I began the process of making new small friends. There is just something about being around children that breathes new life into me. While there were others on the team more verbal in their attempts to woo the young lads, it didn't take long before I had managed to get into the mix. I was amazed to realize that these people that I've been getting to know for the past couple of months had never even seen me with small children except briefly with little Issac during practicum. So strange to imagine that part of myself being so hidden.
All this to say, I had a positively splendid time running around with the kids. Consequently, I didn't take a whole lot of photos, but enough that I'll be sure to post them in a few days when I manage to bring my computer in to work.
The weather was very kind to us, and the sun worked wonders on my temperament as always. There's just something about blue skies and warm breezes...During my classes on Friday morning one of my students tried to convince me that fall weather with its lower temperatures and dark misty days was preferable to the heavenly sun, but I would hear nothing of it! (I actually told him to "Get OUT of my class!")
Now I'm back in the cozy confines of Cheb. I made it through all four lessons today (that comes out to 8 teaching hours) and I'm now ready to head home and enjoy knowing that I only have one class tomorrow and it is already planned. (sigh)

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