Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Outrush Blog Tour

Today I get to share an interview from Errin Stevens in regards to book three in her Siren series. I've really enjoyed working with Errin over the past several years, and was excited to get the next installment. I apologize for things being a bit rushed. The new motherhood thing has totally taken over my life, but please be sure to read through to the interview from Errin at the bottom of the post.

The Mer Chronicles. Book 3: Outrush

Author: Errin Stevens

Summary from Amazon.com

"Falling, falling... Maya was airborne again, suspended between a landless platform above and an inscrutable expanse of water below. Maya's headlong rush into marriage isn't working out... and it isn't the only collision course she's on these days. Her saltwater distractions aside, her father-in-law wants her gunned down for reasons unknown, and her pesky bodyguard - when he's around - seems intent on drowning her in want and regret. Maya is desperate to hold onto any small part of herself she understands. When escape becomes her only option, she finds herself in a race against a past - and a man - she can't outrun.

Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.com/Outrush-Mer-Chronicles-Book-3- ebook/dp/B07MK3YKXR Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/43599011-outrush

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Errin Stevens writes paranormal romance from her home in Minnesota, where she lives with her husband and son. When not wrestling with unruly narrative – or reading everything from mythology to contemporary romance to New Adult suspense – you’ll find her swooning over seed catalogs (winter), or digging in the garden (the other three days of the year). Visit the blog for release updates and random essays on writing and mothering.

Website: http://errinstevens.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/author.errin.stevens
Twitter: https://twitter.com/errinstevens Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/errinstevens

GIVEAWAY http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/050c6a3b21/?

June 3rd: Jen (http://www.happylilbooknook.com)
June 4: Sarah (http://www.transientdrifter.blogspot.com) & Interview
June 6: Destiny (https://afountainofbooks.blogspot.com/)
June 8: Charlotte S. (http://www.instagram.com/bookishnomad)
June 9: Marianna (https://mariannareads.wordpress.com)
June 10: Yahaira (http://www.instagram.com/thejubilantreader)
June 12: Aisha (https://aishaereads.tumblr.com)
June 13: Jordan (http://www.readbyroe.com)
June 14: Stephanie (http://www.instagram.com/shutupnread)
June 15: Jackie (http://dauntlessbooksandpenguins.wordpress.com)
June 16: Leanetta ( http://www.instagram.com/leanettascott08 )

Blog Tour Organized by: Happy Lil Book Tours *Hosts were provided with a copy of the book for review purposes in exchange for their honest reviews and opinions.

Interview questions:

1.) How does it feel to have your third book baby out in the world?

I feel better than I ever have after letting this one leave the nest, and I'm not sure why? I had such a case of the baby blues with the first two! Perhaps because I feel like, with Outrush in the mix, there's at last an aggregate, or maybe several places for your imagination to go. I hope people will find the added breadth satisfying. And I'm ever so pleased to have told Maya's story, which I wanted to do in book two... but Simon and Sylvia staged a coup in my brain.

2.) Do you feel like things have changed in your writing process over the course of the series? Has it gotten easier or more difficult to carry on your story lines?

Writing is hard for me, and while I'm quicker to recognize soft spots in my thinking than I used to be, I still have to mull and refine and rework a ton to feel satisfied with what I develop. But the world-building is set; I have characters I can do more with/develop a story line for if I choose; and I really feel like I've been able to play as I've wanted within my chosen genre. I.e., Updrift was more character-driven, Breakwater more plot-driven, and Outrush is a balance although slightly more focused on character.

3.) Can you give us some behind the scenes insights about your characters in Outrush?

I like to think all of my characters flirt (or worse) with deviance but act in a way that doesn't harm my readers... and by that I mean devastate or sadden. I pushed these boundaries more in Outrush, giving one of my characters a serious addiction and leading another to actively plan my heroine's murder but still kept to my hurt-less values, which I think makes the ending more satisfying. The love story in this one is richer to me, too, because by now, I've watched Maya grow up; and we get to see Aiden become everything a romantic hero should be.

4.) How many more books can we expect in the series?

One for sure - I'm in the EARLY stages of drafting Crosstide - and I might like to mine some of the story lines I started in Breakwater. I'm thinking a little about a west coast series... and I promise that you'll know more when I do!

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