Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fighting Another Lackluster Lifestyle

Okay, so the pictures on this post aren't going to be exactly where inwanted them I'm posting from my phone with photos for the first time and must apologize for the outcome. Ah well, if you readto the end it will eventually make sense. :)

It is easy to be dull. It is simple to fall into a repetitive pattern of life. Even when life seems enjoyable, there is the threat of compalsency which leads to a lack of joy. I am not the best example of always finding the good in my situation. I've always wanted to be the type of person who can really take each day and live it out well. But sometimes I'm just not very good at that. Failing miserably might be a more apt description.

I had the day off today. Naturally that meant I slept in. This is something which I enjoy even if it doesn't mean taking advantage of every moment the day has to offer. In my defence, I went to sleep some time after 1 AM. That's beside the point, but whatever. Mark and I went for a little drive because the weather was gorgeous, but it was also very cold, and he wasn't feeling great, so we came back early. Then I started watching TV. I had a fairly good excuse, Mark was borrowing (in fact still is) my computer, so I can't work on my book, but there was a strong temptation, despite the obvious glory of this crisp fall day, to just spend the whole day on the couch. It's not the sort of thing I'm typically good at, generally I can scarce sit still, but today I thought it possible. Instead, after lunch and two episodes of the 'entalist, I went for a walk.

Capturing the beauty of autumn has long been a passtime for me. There were no castles or other ancient ruins to catch my eye this time, but I found a few good shots none the less. This is the first time I'm going to try nposting ohotos from my phone because my camera battery is dead and Mark has my computer still, so we'll see how it goes.

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